How to get dragon pet diablo 3
How to get dragon pet diablo 3

how to get dragon pet diablo 3

Unlike Battle for Azeroth, they are there for purely cosmetic reasons, and cannot do anything except be adorable! They are cute little companions that follow you around. Companion pets are Classic's version of battle pets. This guide details how to obtain the many companions of Classic.

  • Walk all the way through to the end and in the center you'll find Wirt's Stash which will drop the Royal Calf pet.Welcome to Wowhead's Classic Companion Guide.
  • Click the cows in the following order: Center, Left, Right and enter the Abandoned Farmstead through the portal that appears.

    how to get dragon pet diablo 3

  • Take the map East of Adria's Hut where you'll find 3 cow corpses on the ground.
  • You should now have the " Map of the Stars" in your inventory.
  • Once you have acquired this item go ahead and salvage it (I know all that work and it's gone just like that).
  • The final corpse will drop a Blacksmith plan for Wirt's Leg that you can learn with Haedrig in town to craft the item.
  • Click on these corpses in the following: South, North, West and East and take each item that drops to the next corpse.
  • Farnham's corpse to the South, Ogden's corpse to the North, Pepin's corpse to the West and Griswold's corpse to the East.
  • Head back through the portal in the Old Ruins and locate the 4 corpses.
  • Click the Cauldron and the Witch's Brew will drop on the ground.

    how to get dragon pet diablo 3

  • Take the Rotten Mushroom to Adria's Hut on the far East side Tristram.
  • how to get dragon pet diablo 3

  • Obtain the Rotten Mushroom from the Black Mushroom on the ground on the 9th floor of the Labyrinth.
  • Rewarded by completing a long chain of objectives during The Darkening of Tristram event, which comes around every January for the entire month. If you want to see all of the past Pets and Wings that you can no longer obtain, you can check out this Blizzard forum post by MissCheetah! Even while writing this guide I had many people mention that Wirt's Original Leg is a myth and not an actual item, but behold, the item is indeed real! In this guide below we'll focus on Wings, Pets and Transmogs that are still available as opposed to the ones you can't find any longer. Some are quite easy to obtain and others will make you think that the item doesn't actually exist at all. A lot of the cosmetics you see other players using are no longer available to obtain, but all of the Transmogs can be collected if you look in the right places! Many of these cosmetics are obtainable in game and can be found at any time, but there are also many that are rewarded from other Blizzard games as well as during new Seasons and Events. Diablo 3 is home to many cosmetics that you can gather as you adventure through Sanctuary including Pets, Wings and Transmogs.

    How to get dragon pet diablo 3